Why Chiropractic?

By having your spinal joints adjusted and your spine realigned, Chiropractic can reduce any unwanted tension that may be interfering with the proper functioning of your nervous system.

Chiropractic is founded on the belief that health comes from within the body and that functions such as healing and repair (to name a few) are self regulated. If we accept the brain is the control centre for all our health and physiological functions, then our nervous system is the communication link carrying the vital messages to and from the body to the brain. Misaligned vertebra can cause subtle disturbances to the nervous system, often without you always being aware.

What is Chiropractic?


Most people visit Chiropractors to help reduce common symptoms such as headaches neck and back pain. Chiropractors not only help reduce these symptoms but also improve overall biomechanical function and can assist in a number of other general problems such as tiredness, sleeplessness, generalised feelings of discomfort.


During stressful periods in life some of the 24 vertebral bones that house the central spinal nerves can become misaligned. The result is commonly called "a pinched nerve" or more subtly known as spinal dysfunction. The effect is the same; reduced nerve flow and altered function.


The objective of Chiropractic is to remove any interference to nerves by using a specific, controlled and appropriate manual adjustment to properly align and improve the functioning of spinal joints.

Marcus Conway

As an Ex-New Zealand Representative Silver Medalist rower at the Commonwealth and World Championships, I successfully used Chiropractic to help improve my performances. You can too!! Chiropractic is manual physical hands-on therapy for removing both spinal joint tension and interference to the nervous system.

I have 24 years experience as a Chiropractor and specialize in realigning the joints of the spine to improve the functioning of your nervous system. As a consequence many my clients experience greater quality and range of motion, improved flexibility, better posture, less muscle tightness and relief of symptoms related to joint tension and/or misalignment. Chiropractic treatment will profoundly improve the quality of your life and dramatically increase your vitality.



Initial consultation / Examination.
$80 Emergency (Sunday)

  • A thorough case history and physical testing are performed to ensure your safety, and to enable us to provide the best possible care. Please allow up to 30 minutes
  • Please pay at the time of your visit. Students must supply ID.


Regular Visits



    Regular Visits

      ACC surcharge


      Regular Visits

      ACC Student


      Regular Visits


      Working Hours

      9:00 - 18:00


      17 Ballindrait Drive,
      Flat Bush.
      Auckland 2019

      © Copyright 2023 Marcus Conway Chiropractic. All Rights Reserved.